Vianney Ghugus


School Code: MA098

Affiliated to CISCE Board, New Delhi

Igniting Young Minds Since 2000



No school can achieve its optimum result without the co-operation of the parents. Your responsibility does not cease with the admission of your child into School. You are only sharing a part of your responsibility with the School Management. As a first step in this direction, we earnestly recommend the parents and the guardians, to familirize themselves with the Dairy and the rules it contains.

  • Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality, and discipline and by taking a daily interest in their child’s progress. They should check the diary for any remarks and note the homework given. Parents are expected to join hands with the school, in bringing up their child a society–conscious one.
  • Pupils are encouraged to develop a spirit of generosity. However, no gifts or demonstration of any sort, individual or collective, to the teacher is allowed without the previous consent of the principal.
  • The entrusting of a pupil to the school implies that parent agrees to abide by the rules and regulations and decisions of the school.
  • Parents are requested not to enter the school to speak to the teachers or to students during school hours. Parents who seek information or who wish to make some complaint should do so to the principal and not to the teacher.
  • The principal will be available on every working day. Those desirous of meeting him are requested to make an appointment at the office.
  • No school business will be transacted during holidays.
  • The school is very conscious and committed to implementing its Vision to train the child not only academically but to instill in him / her sense of commitment to society. Hence the parents are requested to co-operate with the school.


  • Students should arrive at the school at least five minutes before the first bell is rung.
  • Every student must carry the handbook to the school on all working days.
  • Every student must be in time for the assembly as well as for the classes.
  • Students are reminded that they must be in perfect silence during the assembly and in the classrooms.
  • No shouting, howling or whistling is allowed in the school premises.
  • Throwing bits of chalk on others or teasing fellow students is strictly forbidden.
  • When leaving the class for the intervals and lunch break, students must go in an orderly manner down the corridors and staircases of the school. The class and subject teachers will be always responsible for discipline and good order in the school. The school leaders, house leaders and the class leaders are to help to maintain discipline and order in the school.
  • No student should write or scribble on any wall in the school premises.
  • Any damage done to the school property will be made good by the one who has done it.
  • No jewelry gold chains, gold rings, expensive watches or ornaments of any kind may be worn by the student in the school.
  • The students are advised not to bring any valuable articles to school. The school is not responsible for the loss of any goods. The students should take care of their belongings.
  • Students are not allowed to bring transistors, tape recorders, toy pistols, firecrackers, video games or any other objects that cause disturbance.
  • Books other than textbooks or school library books, magazines and comic books should not be brought to the school premises.
  • Lending or borrowing money and other articles is strictly forbidden in school.
  • No subscription for any purpose can be raised by the student without the permission of the principal.
  • Students should obey the school pupil leader, house leaders, class leaders and other students on duty.
  • No gifts of any sort, collectively or by individuals, to the teachers are allowed without the permission of the principal.
  • Students should not talk in any other language except in English in the School premises.
  • Every student is expected to be neat and clean in his/her person, dress, and surroundings.
  • Parents are reminded that they are not permitted to engage private tutors for their children from the teachers of the School without consulting the principal and obtaining his written permission.
  • Parents/guardians must see that their children do their homework regularly.
  • Visitors are not allowed to go to classrooms by themselves. Prior permission of the principal, to see the teachers/students, is essential.
  • Change of address of parents/guardians should be notified to the principal immediately.
  • No student should leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the principal.
  • Pupils should, at all times show respect and reverence to the school authorities and the staff. They should be gentle and polite to their companions. They should remember that every child is a member of the Vianney Family.
  • Pupils should always remember that the name of the school depends on each one’s good behaviour and that they are real AMBASSADORS of the school. So, their behaviour inside and outside the school should be excellent and praiseworthy.
  • It is compulsory to be present on all occasions such as re-opening day, closing day, School Day, Sports day, Seminar days, Teachers’ day, Children’s day and all the festive occasions.
  • The authorities may enact new rules in future for the efficient management of the school. These guidelines are also to be followed.


The student must appear for all the examinations and tests conducted in the school. Pupils absent from examination without grave reason will be considered failed. The decision of the principal in regard to promotion is final. No textbooks or notebooks or other papers are to be brought into the examination hall. Students found copying or using unfair means during the examination will be penalised.


In case of sickness or unforeseen circumstances the students returning to the school must bring their leave application along with the medical certificates. Repeated absence without leaves or unexplained absence for more than 15 days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Admission may be granted only on payment of fresh admission fee. All are expected to attend the school on the reopening day after the summer, Diwali and Christmas vacations. Absence for more than 3 days immediately after summer, Diwali and Christmas vacations without any information to the principal or without paying the fees in time renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off.